We have some house rules to make sure everyone can enjoy their time at UK PonyCon. Please read them carefully before coming to the event to avoid disappointment.
General rules
Please refer to our Terms and Conditions, which cover topics such as:
Admission to the event
Prohibited items
Sound and image recordings
Press and media policy
Members of the press and media (including journalists from both mainstream and community publications) must contact us to tell us of their intention of attending UK PonyCon. We may provide free press passes.
Members of the press and media must obtain explicit permission from UK PonyCon to take photos and videos during the convention, and abide by any press photography rules provided to them.
Approved members of the press and media will be provided with lanyards and badges that must be worn and visible at all times. When approaching attendees, they must introduce themselves and make clear the publication they are working for.
They must obtain explicit informed consent before conducting a recording (hand-written notes, photography, audio and/or video) of an individual. If there is any doubt about whether an individual is able to provide informed consent, then it should be assumed that they do not consent. They must offer to provide details of how to contact the member about the publication or to withdraw consent (for example by providing an email or website address).
We reserve the right to refuse admission to members of the press and media if we believe that it is not in the best interests of UK PonyCon and the community. We may revoke permission during the event, without refund or compensation, if we believe attendees are being caused distress by your actions or presence.
Stalls policy
All stallholders are bound by our stalls policy, available on the linked page.